Large shareholders appear to be taking a tougher line on executive remuneration and stock option-based bonus plans in the wake of the high-profile failures in the financial industry. 在金融业一系列备受瞩目的失败之后,大股东们似乎准备对高管薪酬和股权红利计划采取更为强硬的态度。
So a remuneration mode of "laborage and bonus" is suggested. Pay the village doctors based on their technic office, their years of medical work, and their work efficiency. 建议对乡村医生实行工资加奖金的报酬模式,按乡村医生的技术职务、医龄、岗位工作效益等实行有层次的结构工资制,以医疗预防保健工作质量作为分发奖金的依据。